Thursday, December 30, 2010

Resolutions to Self

"The belief in a thing makes it happen."
- Frank Lloyd Wright

~I will pass my test on February 5, 2011.

~I will be the friend everyone deserves.

~I will be well on my way to getting in shape by May 2011.

~I will go to Las Vegas by May 2011.

~I will go to my family reunion the end of June 2011.

~I will have my student loan payed off by the end of 2011, if not sooner.

~I will have my major bills taken care of by July 2011.

~I will get a full-time teaching position before September 2011.

All these things I will do, I believe I will do, and that being said will make it happen! Faith is the ability to believe in something you cannot see, and the courage to prove people wrong.

God's Blessings and Wisdom for 2011!

Love, me :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Beginnings...

Hey all... another year has come and gone, and I am now starting my countdown to the half-way mark to fifty! Yep that's right I turned twenty-four yesterday, and although I don't feel older, I know that I have changed over this past year. I learned not to take things for granted. To know that time wasted, isnt' wasted if you enjoyed wasting it. :D I learned that you get more satisfaction out of something that you haven't paid full price for.

I've also learned that your life is like a living photograph, ever changing and never constant. Times have been good, and bad. I have struggled with friendships, weakend and strengthed them. I have been ill, and busy with work, but I still cling to the hope of family time. I have also learned that I don't need a man to define me. I don't need anyone to define me, because as long as I know who I am and believe in myself, then no one can hold me against myself. I've learned to enjoy life, to not wait for someone to go with me to do something fun... that I am a strong independent woman who can and does go to the movies by herself. I can honestly say that I can depend on myself, even when I haven't been able to depend on those I thought I could. This has been a year of change, a year of accomplisment, sorrow, heartbreak, and learning.

You sit there reading my post and wonder, well what else can she say... what will she miss about this past year? I answer by saying, I will miss the love lost, the friends who have moved on, the time not spent with family. But I will move on into this new year of life with an eager heart. A Kaleidoscope Heart as Sara Bareilles sings in her new album. I am going to be open, and giving, being the friend everyone deserves as Oprah states about her longtime friend Gayle. I will perservere and I will be the women God has made me to be. I wish everyone joy and happiness, and the faith to believe in the things they cannot see. Via Con Dias Amigos!
Love Always, Natalie

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


"This one step- choosing a goal and staying to it- changes everything." - Scott Reed

This is what I am planning on doing. My goals for the next year or so until December 2011 include, finally getting my tattoo. Then I want to get healthy and physically fit. I have had a gym membership for awhile, but do not use it as regularly as I should. During this next year I hope to lose 50-65 pounds. That will put me closer to my goal weight. I want to take my time and do it the right way. If I achieve this goal, then I will do the unthinkable and get my naval peirced. I have always wanted to do this, but have not had the flat stomach that I hope to achieve her shortly. :D Next I want to find a full-time teaching position where I currently live, but if not then somewhere close to where I am. I also want to finish my ESOL endorsment and look into a Master's program. Next on the agenda, is to pay back my single student loan, so that I can look into getting a new car and a loan for that as well. My final goal is to find peace of mind and happiness. I want to find the man that God has choosen for me and pursue a life with him. I pray that God will give me the patience, strength, and determination to achieve these goals. I am placing my start date as September 1, 2010. I have until my 25th birthday December 8, 2011 to achieve these goals.

God speed people and wish me luck!

Monday, August 2, 2010

It has been a long.... Time!

Hey Peeps,

So it has been like forever since I posted on my blog, but I have been so busy! With working hard to graduate, testing to get my license, and then working to afford my life. I have had no time to get on and post. But here is what is new with me. I am officially graduated. That is the plus side...the negative side is the teaching position that I have yet to find. But I know that God has the right one for me in mind, and I will find it, it is just going to take time. So I will be substitute teaching in the Fall!!! I am so excited! I will also keep working at my current job at Maurices. I still love working with the people, and it is my meal ticket at the moment. So much has happened since Fall term 2009, and 2010 is passing by so fast. It is already August, and I can't believe that I won't have any classes to take in September. I have decided to take a much needed break, and wait till Spring or Summer to begin work on my Masters degree. Well that is enough for now. I plan on keeping up with this as I get a bit more free time. :D

Hasta Chicos y Chicas!

Love, nat

Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's Almost Spring Break!!!

Well folks it is almost Spring Break, and as you can see, I have not been on here since I posted about winter term. I have been so busy with everything, but I am almost done. I graduate in June, I passed the first part of the ORELA exam, and now it is almost spring break. I wish I could just go away and lay on a beach, but I can't it's work central for me. I have to get organized and prepared for student teaching. I hope all is well with everyone else and that you all are doing well. Until I post again!


~ natalie :D

Monday, January 4, 2010

It's Winter Term Already

Hello everyone!

It was a wonderful Christmas break, but it is time to get back to school. Today is the first day of Winter term and already it seems like a ton of work. However this term I am going to stay focused and get things done on time or early if possible. I have a lot to accomplish, but I know that I can do it. Good luck to all of you for this term and I hope it goes as smoothly as I know it can.


~natalie :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Importance of Technology in the Classroom

"Technology should enhance learning. There is no value in just having access to it but more important how it is used" (Lam, 2004) This is one of the quotes that I found in my article, as I was reviewing it. In todays society, with how fast technology is changing, it seems that just as soon as one school is getting a ACTIV board, another is getting a permethean board. I have no clue which one is better, just that they are the new thing. Just like electronic flip charts in the classroom. Still I have come to the conclusion, that as technology advances, so it must advance in the classroom.

It is strange to think that before it was overhead projectors, but know you have elmo's where you can leave the transparencies behind. It is amzinging to think that just when desktops where popular, now everyone has to have a laptop, but wait a second and now it is internet on your blackberry and you can hold the world in your hand. This leads to the importance of technology in the classroom. "With individualized computer instruction, students can always immediately request help if something is unclear. Computers help to make it more interactive. They are extremely effective with the struggling learners because they (unlike humans) have unlimited patience" (Lam, 2004). Computers in the classroom expand the learning possibilites for all children. They are great resources for the advanced student, but also a very useful tool to a student who is behind in their studies and need additional help.

Technology will continue to change, but as long as we keep it in the classroom, students will learn more and be ready for the era of technology as they become adults. It is funny for me because even my grandfather who fought in world war II is using the computer, and can run it better than my mom who is in her fifties. I personally believe that the more advantages that we give our students in the aspect of technology, then the better they will be off in the future. Overall this article talks about the importance of technology in the classroom, and how a teacher can go about using it in the classroom. It was an insightful article, and has certainly opened my eyes to the wonderful aspects of technology in the new age.


Lam, J.N. (2004). Technology in the classroom. Retrieved from http://www.teach-